Thursday, November 25, 2010

Pre-Recorded Thanksgiving Black Friday Show

Hello RU Inspired listeners,

Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, this week's show on Friday, November 26, 2010, will be pre-recorded. So, be sure to listen in from 3 to 4 PM Central Time on WRBC: Click here to listen online; iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad: Click here to download the free App; iTunes: Radio--College/University Radio--Roosevelt University Chicago

On This Week's Show:
  • We have some awesome inspirational and Christian music for you to hear as you relax from your Thanksgiving feast the previous day or slow down from the black friday shopping.
  • You will have the opportunity to be spiritually nourished with some brief meditational reflections by St. Josemaria Escriva,
  • as well as learn about "The Gratitude List," according to a recent column from Busted Halo, to encourage gratitude this Thanksgiving season.
Click Here to read more articles from the "What Works" personal spirituality column.
Also check out this article from Busted Halo on "5 Ways to Celebrate A Thankful Thanksgiving - Tips to slow down and be grateful" by Kevin Kirby
Check out more articles geared for young adults in their 20's and 30's at Busted Halo - an online magazine for spiritual seekers!

Have a happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Your feedback on this show is greatly appreciated--add your comments on this post or click here to contact Dan.

Take Care and God Bless,
-Daniel ("podmandan")

Friday, November 12, 2010

NO Archive Shows...Why?

To RUInspired Listeners: To anyone who wants to listen to past shows,

After a talk with our faculty advisor, I am no longer allowed to rebroadcast on ustream publicly the R U Inspired? Show on WRBC: the blaze, Roosevelt University student-run radio.

If you want to listen, tune in Friday's from 3-4PM Central U.S. Time,

The only exception is the in-studio guest, March 26,2010 show with Dan Harms from Popple that is the only show that can be publicly viewed (The "Popple Show" is still embedded on this blog- click here to re-listen to this show.)

Coming up on Today's Show

In planning today's R U Inspired? Show on WRBC: The Blaze at Roosevelt University in Chicago,here is a the show's plan for this afternoon:Along with the inspirational/Christian music you’ll hear meditational reflections by St. Josemaria Escriva.
Today's Daily Jolt from (an online magazine for spiritual seekers):
"The greatest love story of all time is contained in a tiny white host." — Archbishop Fulton Sheen
I’m also planning some topics to discuss using the Catechism of the Catholic Church(CCC) for guidance. One topic I plan to discuss is about the importance of respecting life and that life begins at consumption! It’s that simple. Using the film Come What May as an example: Pro-Life Argument- When does Life begin? The following is a scene from the movie Come What May about "When Life Begins."

Sources I plan to use to help support pro-life:
CCC- paragraphs #2270, 2271, 2272, 2273
It’s that simple. Being PRO-LIFE is vitally IMPORTANT!!! Especially as Catholics, we must choose life and have an END to abortion.
Anyone have suggestions for other topics I could discuss discuss?? Click Here to Contact me.
The photo to the left is of when I was born- this photo shows the importance of respecting ALL human life! I was born 3 1/3 months premature. Take a look at this picture: Do you see the importance of respecting ALL Life.

Here is the trailer for the movie movie Come What May: (Click Here to buy the DVD.)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Recommended Spiritual Books by St. Josemaria Escriva

Image Credit: The Catholic Company
Today I would like to recommend three spiritual books by St. Josemaria Escriva. These are: The Way, Furrow, and The Forge. I have a single volume edition and recommend that you too get a copy of these books--its an excellent source for some spiritual and meditation guidance. In each of these three books, St. Josemaria Escriva offers brief passages or bits of conversation, personal experiences, or letters from St. Josemaria. In The Way there are 999 brief advice guidance for meditation. Furrow consists of 1,000 points, while The Forge offers friendly, fatherly advice.

St. Josemaria Escriva was the founder of Opus Dei (Work of God). Through Opus Dei, Josemaria preached of holiness in daily work and finding God in ordinary duties.